
Chloe Bruce

7 ways in using Visualisation for Greatness 🔥

Published 7 months ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader

Visualisation is a technique used by many of sporting’s elite. I am a martial artist, and was a professional athlete for many years. However without even knowing it, visualisation techniques were engrained on me from such a young age.

It is about creating a mental image of what you want to happen or feel in reality and practise ‘visualising’ it in your mind’s eye before the actual event. For example if you visualise yourself winning, it will make it more likely to happen, so the theory goes.

Visualisation like this will help improve your child’s performance, if done correctly. But as with any skill one of the most important parts is the training as this is your rehearsal and repetition.

As an athlete myself who used to compete for Great Britain and now a parent, it is useful to have an understanding of why visualisation is key and how you can help your child to build visualisation in to their training programme. Here are my steps to help you implement visualisation.

7 methods to using visualisation

  1. Set clear goals: Begin by defining with your child clear, and specific goals. Whether that is improving a particular skill, winning a competition, or achieving a small personal achievement for them. Having a well-defined objective is essential for effective visualisation.
  2. Encourage them to take long, slow breaths, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth to slow the heart rate and help to relax. I do this with my youngest who has just started school. If he gets himself worked up in the morning, we do breathing exercises to help calm his mind and body.
  3. Have mental rehearsals. Make your child visualise themself performing at their best in their chosen sport. Use all of their senses to create a vivid mental image. Feel the emotions of success and accomplishment.
  4. Ensure its from a first-person perspective. Have your child visualise from their own perspective rather than watching from a third-person perspective. This helps create a stronger connection between your mental rehearsal and your actual performance.

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Written by our Coach - Chloe



Chloe Bruce

Martial arts. Yoga. Pilates

Here to inspire your martial arts training and personal growth. Martial Arts. Flexibility. Yoga. Start training with Chloe today!

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